Please Fill Out the Form to Register Your Child

Please enter YOUR information below
What grade was your child in during 2023 - 2024 school year?
In addition to those listed above, the following individuals may pickup my child:

To keep More To Learn Academy running smoothly, please agree to all of these policies:

I understand that after signing up, I will receive an email with access to the member's area, and I will find resources there. I understand that after I register and sign up for tutoring, it may take More To Learn Tutoring up to 48 hours to send instructions on how to access the tutoring classes. I understand access to the member's area is based upon the tutoring package I have chosen for my child. I understand not all tutoring packages include access to the members area.

I understand that I am signing up for a monthly subscription of tutoring services, and that my card will be charged for the monthly tutoring tuition. I understand that all fees paid aren't refundable, and I can cancel anytime. I understand that cancelation, and missed sessions by either party will not result in a refund.

Online: I understand that I will need to log my child into the Zoom classroom, but I do not need to stay during class time. However, I understand that More To Learn Tutoring is not a babysitter, and that if my child is misbehaving/distracted during tutoring, the teacher will talk to me about finding a solution to help my child.

I give permission for my child’s photograph(s) and/or videotaping(s) to be used for marketing materials offline and online, newsletters, and art projects.

I agree to abide by the Policies & Procedures Handbook.

View Handbook Here:!AvmcirilkiW_7FrL8V21UP7ffYFK?e=wlu3P0

© More To Learn Academy

Contact Us: [email protected] | 1.919.627.1410